Stolen Dreams Or Misplaced Mutterings

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hey, what's your headshot doing on my book jacket? I've been robbed. Without my explicit permission, you stole my story, fame, and future in one fell swoop. When did it happen? I was never informed. This is my lottery ticket and you snatched it right from under me. I'm going to find a great lawyer and sue you, but first I'll call the police!
How many of us think that the story rolling around in our head is so special that it is definitely material worthy of a best seller? If only I had the time to get to sitting down and writing it...but it's in there, yes indeed. Surely this would be the tale no one has yet told. What about my audience; legions of fans who clamor for my attention, publications eager to quote me and the talk show circuit at the ready for my OK. If only I had the time to sit down and write it.

It's quite a tale and I know that red is the perfect color to bring out my best. Short and pithy responses make for great sound bites and I am ready for the incisive interview, deftly handling the most provocative questioners. Yes, I am prepared for in-depth grilling and the subsequent headlines. I can handle anything they throw at me no matter how complex. If only I had the time to sit down and write it.

My acceptance speech is quite remarkable. Who could have imagined the impact my words made on countless lives. The testimonials continue to pour in and I can no longer handle the personal correspondence. My assistants are overwhelmed by the steady outpouring from my readers as they clamor for more. If only I had the time to sit down and write it.
Who am I kidding? I've procrastinated long enough about this robbery. Please call the police and report another theft of my dream.
Maureen Weisner, M.Ed., PCC, is president of Women Living on the Edge of Change. We provide one on one personal and executive coaching, creating a partnership with our clients as they identify the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Together we design, strategize, and implement a structure for the client to work from in achieving her goals and the motivational strategies to support those transitions. We are expert in customizing unique workshops, seminars, and keynotes for groups, focusing on how change impacts our lives from moment to moment and for the long term.

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