What they did was to strip her of all the delegates that she lawfully won in Florida and Michigan, and then just gave Obama half of them. That is the only thing that put him across the finish line and saved his candidacy from her invincible charge. So why would the party of change do this to their foremost female politician?
I suspect that the DNC was in great fear of a massive backlash from black voters more than that of Senator Clinton's supporters. Just do the math for yourself. 90% of all black voters are believed to be voting for Obama. Since there are about 25 million registered black voters in America, Obama will enjoy a 22.5 million vote lead against Senator McCain before the first precinct even opens on November 4.
Senator Clinton only received 18 million votes from her supporters. Had she of won the nomination the DNC was afraid that those 22.5 million black voters would have sat out the election or worse, vote for Senator McCain out of retribution.
However on the other side of this political sword, Senator Clinton's supporters can be more easily swayed into supporting Obama as long as she urges them to do so. Yet how could they guarantee that Senator Clinton would support this inexperienced candidate who has spent more time running for President than he has spent representing Illinois in the U.S. Senate? In fact, why would she want him to win at all after having her delegates plundered by the DNC?
What we have witnessed is that Senator Hillary Clinton was extorted by her own party into submission and, actually forced into giving Obama her "support". You see, Senator Clinton has around $20 million in campaign debt that was supposed to be repaid through her capitulation. I think that is why when she appeared at the podium during the Democrat Convention she was wearing an orange colored pantsuit.
Perhaps Senator Clinton wore an orange suit as a way of subliminally signaling to America that she is a prisoner to her own Party. Rather than having D.O.C. printed on her back in bold black letters, DNC was invisibly etched there in her mind. Now for her surrender, she will be forced to stay in her political prison and live out a term of four to eight years. The duration of her term is predicated only by whether Obama wins or loses the election.
In 2012 Senator Clinton will be 65 years old. Of course her running for President by then is solely based on whether Obama wins or loses this year. If he should win then Senator Clinton will be forced to serve out her eight year term and wait until 2016 before she can run for the Presidency. And yes, she will be 69 years old in 2016.
It is one thing to run this year at the age of 61, but at 69 she will be attacked by her Democrat opponents on age issues just as Senator McCain is being assailed this year. I personally feel that these repugnant attacks on Senator McCain's age is as revolting as those of attacking one's gender and race for political gain. Yet that is the true nature of the DNC and it's never ending hypocrisy.
So you ladies of America who have given your cherished vote for Senator Clinton; the proverbial ball is in your court. You can go ahead and follow lockstep to vote for Obama just as the DNC bigwigs know you will. Or, you can hop over to the Republican side and help Senator McCain beat Obama back until 2012. Then he will have to actually beat Senator Clinton in order to win the Democrat candidacy rather then have it handed to him.
If you help Obama now then you'll pretty much guarantee that Senator Clinton will have to wait until 2016 before she can try to run again. I have a couple of favorable alternatives for you 18 million voters that just may prove more palpable to you than voting for the man who benefited from Senator Clinton's stolen candidacy.
The first is for you to vote for Senator McCain and his running mate, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska. As stated earlier, Senator McCain is 72 years old and the primary Democrat attack against him is his age. My father-in-law is 78 and he plays four rounds of golf a week...without using a golf cart. Like Senator McCain, he's as sharp as a razor and you quickly understand that trying to use his age against him is complete folly. The other DNC attack is that they believe Senator McCain will only be a one term President. I will address this later.
The second morsel as an alternative is Governor Sarah Palin as the Vice-President. She is an incredibly strong woman who has a solid proven record of being a die-hard no-nonsense corruption buster. Her history is that of one who always does exactly what she says she will do. The final proof to this is the number of corrupt politicians that she has laid waste to from both parties. In fact, she gives little regard to party affiliation when she uncovers corruption. That is a change you can believe in.
Even with such a strong record Governor Palin is now being attacked by those same Democrat henchmen who burglarized Senator Clinton's delegates. Within ten minutes of her announced candidacy the Obama campaign started claiming that she's too inexperienced to be, "a heartbeat away from the Presidency". Again, the hypocrisy of the DNC ignores the fact that Obama has zero experience on an executive level. At least Governor Palin has chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, been the two-term Mayor of Wasilla, and the Governor of Alaska. In comparison, Obama has never run anything other political campaigns.
Still the DNC is confident that with Senator Clinton's coerced endorsement most of her 18 million supporters will blindly join the Obama crusade. It's such a shame that she is being forced to feint her support for a man who President Clinton aptly said, "has the political instinct of a Chicago thug". Not only are they holding the aforementioned $20 million ransom over her head but they also have her political future safely shackled as well. If she doesn't reign in her husband and support Obama, then her future in the DNC is toast.
So there you have it, you 18 million Senator Clinton supporters. You can play by the rules as dictated by those Democrat elites who are using strong armed tactics to make Senator Clinton push Obama or you can cross over and vote to make sure this never happens to another woman again. By crossing over to the light, you can make certain that Senator Clinton lives again to run in 2012.
Better still is if the rumors about McCain only wanting to be a one-term President are true, then there is a potential for a truly historic American event in 2012. That would be that Senator Hillary Clinton could very well be running against Vice-President Sarah Palin for President of the United States in four years. Think about it and remember this, a vote for Senator McCain is a vote to free Hillary for 2012.
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